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The Kirklees and Calderdale Independent ME Support Group is a volunteer organisation with a small budget. We rely on donations so any contribution, large or small, is greatly appreciated. You can donate via PayPal using the button below. Thank you for your generosity and support.

Alternatively, you can;

  1. Write a cheque payable to Kirklees & Calderdale Independent ME Support Group to KCIMESG, C/O Hilary Bickerton, 10 Robin Hood Way, Clifton, Brighouse, HD6 4LA (include a stamped addressed envelope if a receipt is required).
  1. Bank transfer to the KCIMESG account (Sort Code: 40-25-10 Account No. 02466317 Reference: please use your surname).
  1. Cash or cheque together can be given to the Membership Secretary at one of our meetings.